Monday, May 01, 2006

The End

When the world turn yellow
When the sand blows
When the shirts are shrunk and tight
When the cops turn white
When the peaches and melons sprout
When the tamarind juice hawkers begin to shout
When the flies are awaken
When the time is hasten

Then it come clear
The end is near...
Someone whoose life is like a roller coaster asked me to update my blog. It would be fun to have a life like that. But eventually, I'll throw up.


Anonymous said...

Wutz you will finally thrown out?? mmm i wonder those whose life is 'flat' without thick and thin might be lame and bushy... Bukankah jalan kebenaran itu penuh likunya?...?

Anonymous said...

anyway nice poem then...self produced or just cut and paste?
Keep it up...Good job=)

Anonymous said...

aku pun sama tak mengupdate hahahaha. tunggu la, pas2ni aku update ah.