Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Dari Puncak Menara Agam II

Lihat dunia dari mata burung atau dari dalam tempurung?

Kairo huanying ni
The City of a Thousand Satellite Dish

err... i mean...

Kairo huanying ni
The City of a Thousand Minarets

Oh look, a family's barbecuing on the rooftop. 'Daging korban', perhaps?

'The zen garden'

They called Cairo the city of a thousand minarets. They do have thousands of minarets. In fact there is a package of minaret tour where they bring you from a masjid to a masjid (of course the old ones) to climb the minaret and enjoy the view. But I think the modern way to call it is the city of a thousand satellite dish. Just as to say real estate (hartanah) is the new view for 'berbudi kepada tanah'.

These photos were taken exactly after the grand PERUBATAN korban day somewhere at Manyal. 'Huanying ni' means 'welcomes you'.

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